Liability: I/we do hereby release Jacob Melanson, JAHM Hockey Academy and its officers, employees and agents from all liability, claims, cause of action of any kind whatsoever. In respect of damages my child or myself may suffer as a consequence of my child sustaining personal injury, death, or property damage or loss while participating in programs and activities of the JAHM Hockey Academy. And I/we do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless JAHM Hockey Academy, its officers, employees, or agents from any and all claims, demands, causes of action of any kind whatsoever, including those involving negligence on the part of JAHM Hockey Academy or any of its officers, employees or agents that may be made or initiated by, or on behalf of my child, arising out of or connected with my said child’s preparation for or participation in any of the JAHM Hockey Academy programs or activities.
Covid-19: I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless JAHM Hockey Academy, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all costs, expenses, damages, claims, lawsuits, judgments, losses, and/or liabilities (including attorney fees) arising either directly or indirectly from or related to any and all claims made by or against JAHM Hockey Academy due to bodily injury, death, loss of use, monetary loss, or any other injury from or related to my, or my childs, involvement in JAHM Hockey Academy programs, whether caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise specifically related to COVID-19.
Media: I hereby authorize any images or video footage taken of my youth (under 18 years of age), in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other images and video footage, to be displayed on the East Coast Athlete, JAHM Hockey Academy, Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Springhill Community Center website and other official channels, and to be used for media purposes including promotional presentations and marketing campaigns.
Thanks for Registerng for JAHM Hockey 2025!